What Is a Monorepo?

A monorepo is a single monolithic repository to house all the software that a squad or department or organization (e.g. Google) owns. Here are my notes from watching this Fireship IO YouTube video.

Why use a Monorepo?


  • See the company’s entire codebase
  • Prevent having to clone multiple projects


Share modules like eslint config, documentation, UI library etc.

Dependency Management

  • Affected applications will know if a breaking change is made to a shared library.
  • Monorepo tools can help you visualize the entire dependency graph of your software.
  • 3rd party dependencies can be deduped by monorepo tools.


CI/CD should theoretically be easier to build and test since your code is unified by default

What are some Monorepo Cons?

  • As the monorepo becomes bigger there will be more things to test and more artifacts to store.
  • Compiling, building and testing everything may be slow.

To operate at scale, you will need to invest in the proper tooling.


Basic tools


  • Create a root level package.json which then has nested workspaces like apps and packages.
  • They are linked back to the root level project.
  • Dedupes packages


  • Works with npm


  • Improve install speed of packages
  • Installs dependencies globally and symlinks them
  • Works with npm


Smart build systems like NX and Turborepo do cool things like

  • Builds a dependency graph between all packages to allow tooling to understand what needs to be tested and what needs to be rebuilt whenever there is a change to the code base
  • Cache artifacts that have already been built and download them from the cloud;
    • Turborepo only allows you to store caches in Vercel or a custom implementation that uses the Vercel API (source)
  • Run jobs in parallel for speed


  • Created by two ex-Googleers
  • Written in Typescript
  • CLI that generates boilerplate code
  • Plugin ecosystem
  • VSCode extension
  • Distributed task execution - distribute work across multiple CI servers
  • Highly configurable
  • Quickstart guide - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUyBY72mwrQ



Built by Google for their monorepo